Friday, February 18, 2011

Weigh in 2/18/11

after being down on myself for a couple of weeks (notice missing entry from last week). I weighed the EXACT same last week as I had the week before.. and the thing is, I've stepped up my work out so it was really frustrating.  Talking with a few of my friends yesterday, I'm pretty sure I havnt been eating enough calories on a daily basis.  I do cheat 1-2 days a week, but apparently you cant live off of chicken salad. 

I ate a little more normally the past few days and i'm down as of this morning to 158.6. Just in time for me to gain it back over the weekend with my sons birthday party :) can we say pizza and cake? i'll go easy. I was relieved the see the scale move DOWN this week.. even if it was just  a smidge. 

until next week!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Weigh in 2/4/11

Just a fast post today.  its been a very long and grueling day at work.  I still have an hour left, but wanted to post my progress before I go home and spend time with the family and forget.

did I say progress? I meant non progress.

I'm OK with it though.  I was at the gym everyday this week and thats nothing to be ashamed of.  I didnt gain, I didnt lose.

i'm stuck at 159.4

maybe next week will be better.  or the same.